Skrei Cod season is in full swing. There is a story behind Skrei cod. More and more people want to understand where their food comes from and why they should choose it as a meal!
It is skrei cod migration time during this time of year from the Arctic coasts of Norway to the coastlines of Northern Norway. As the fish travel long distances and with great effort, they arrive at the catch sites very lean.
There is sometimes a tendency for the flesh to be oily and fatty when it comes to different types of large Norwegian cod. By enforcing strict quotas as per the Norwegian Seafood Council, the Norwegian stock is maintained sustainably. Skrei cod is not defined as any cod gathered during this period; the cod must meet a strict quality standard to be classified as skrei.
The price per portion of this magnificent fish is more expensive than typical cod, but it has become more valuable due to its origin and quality.
What is Skrei Cod?
The Skrei fishery is open every year between January and April. Skrei means ‘to migrate’. It is at this time every year that vast numbers of huge, fully grown cod, around five years of age, return to their spawning grounds from the Barents Sea. The meat of Skrei Cod is very lean, fresh, and clean tasting.
Norway’s Seasonal Wild Cod
Seafaring is Norway’s rich cultural heritage, spanning centuries, with its people being known for getting some of the most delicious seafood in the world. But the fishing communities of Norway’s far north are treated to something special every winter that gives them, and seafood enthusiasts worldwide, much to be thankful for. The cod of the Barents Sea return instinctively to the spawning grounds near Norway’s northern coast following a lifetime spent in the deep sea.
A 1000-kilometre swim through rough, icy waters has perfected these cod. With this epic voyage, the fish has luscious chunks and meaty flakes and has a taste and texture that are unmatched.
Norwegians survived in northern territories during a time of scarcity thanks to skrei, which was among their earliest exports. Due to this, it has become known as the “Norwegian Miracle”. In addition to its name, this fish is also called “Valentine’s Fish” for the time it spends preparing to travel to spawn. Skrei, however, is an old Norse word that means wanderer, making it a perfect name for a migratory fish.
Why is Norwegian Skrei so special?
Lean, white and light flesh that is perfectly shaped
- As a result of its extensive swimming, it has developed firm flakes
- The deliciously smooth, delicate flavour
- You can taste the clean taste of Norwegian waters
Quality Labelled Skrei
The Skrei fishery is one of the biggest and most well-regulated fisheries in the world. How does one earn the title of “Quality Labelled Skrei”?
Quality Labelled Skrei should meet the following criteria:
- A wild catch in January and April
- When fully grown (about five years old)
- The fish are caught in traditional spawning areas along the Norwegian coast
- Excellent condition – no damage, no scrapes, no bruising
- As soon as they’re caught, they get packed
- A temperature of 0-2 °C (32-35.6 °F) should be used for storage
- A strict quality control process ensures the highest quality packaging and processing
A Seasonal Perspective
The Skrei Cod season runs from January to April each year.
Availability depends first and foremost on the weather conditions. During the winter, bad weather can prevent fishermen from getting out to the fishing grounds.
Climatic conditions are also a factor. Water temperatures and the salinity of the sea determine the time and place of the Skrei’s arrival on the fishing grounds.
During the season, quality labelled Skrei is available at fishmongers, supermarkets and restaurants. Ask your supplier for quality labelled Skrei.
Get Skrei Ready and Cook It
You don’t even have to lift a finger to get the fish to swim those tremendous distances in the turbulence of the Arctic Ocean. That’s why the flesh is so juicy and dense. When it reaches 38°C, it’s done: don’t overcook it!
Various Options
The alternative to Skrei would be Cod if Skrei was not available.