Patagonian Tooth Fish (Chilean Seabass) 170-200grams


Ours come in 170/220gram vacpac portions. Chilean sea bass is a white and flaky fish that tastes similar to cod.

Availilability: In Stock

Patagonian Tooth Fish (Chilean Seabass) is a white and flaky fish that tastes similar to cod. When it is properly cooked, it should have a smooth and buttery feel and taste. It can be cooked in almost any way imaginable, and the spice options for it are endless. Ours come in 170/220-gram vacpac portions.

Patagonian Tooth Fish (Chilean Seabass) has not always had this name, and it used to be called Patagonian and Antarctic Toothfish. Many people had no desire to eat this fish because the name sounded so unappetizing.

It wasn’t until 1977 when a fish wholesaler by the name of Lee Lantz changed the name. But it wasn’t until 1994 that the United States Food and Drug Administration officially accepted the name Chilean seabass as an acceptable alternative for this delectable cod icefish.

