Black Cod Fillet 170-190 Gram


These skin-on pin bones in vac-packed fillets are a new one for us. An excellent portion of MSC sustainably caught black cod.

Availilability: In Stock

Black Cod is an oily, cold-water fish widely eaten in the Nordic countries, Argentina, Iceland, Canada and the United Kingdom.

It is popular because of its versatility and relative cheapness. It can be baked, fried, grilled or poached easily.

It can be served on its own, with spices or in a sauce. It can be used as an ingredient in many different meals.

The black cod fillet is popular due to its low price and excellent taste.

Black Cod Fillet contains high levels of protein, which makes it favourable for vegetarians and vegans. It is also perfect for people following a healthy diet plan.

This food product has excellent shelf life thanks to its high protein content, which provides a low level of lactose.

What Do Black Cod Fillets Taste Like?

The frozen Black Cod Fillet is easy to prepare and a good alternative to other white fish. It is used mainly at home, as well as in restaurants, or for catering.

Depending on how it is prepared, it can be eaten as an entrée, potatoes or rice, or starter. The fish also goes well with pasta and can be used in salads.

Frozen Black Cod Fillet is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The scrumptious and oozingly delish fillets have a mouthwatering flavour that is rich in many nutrients.

Low in calories, they are the perfect choice for people who like light and tasty fish dishes.

Black Cod Fillet is popular among young people, as it has a mild taste and can be cooked in different ways, thus satisfying all tastes.

Responsibly-Sourced Black Cod Fillets

Black Cod Fillet has since become very popular all over the world. It is one of the most environmentally friendly products because of its low-fat content and because it requires a minimum of packaging and refrigeration to keep it fresh.

The fresh cod fillets we use are sustainably sourced. Once harvested, low-impact fishing practices are used not to disturb the ecosystem.

The rest of the fish is chilled in a controlled manner for no more than three days after being harvested. After that, it can be freeze-dried. This is the only way that it can be preserved without losing its delicate taste and texture.

